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Advocacy INFO

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who is my representative?


Find my Ohio Representative to contact.

Find my Ohio Senator to contact.


It's best to CALL them and talk to a staffer or leave a VM about the issue, but you can also email them, reach out to them on Twitter or send them a letter.


  • The vote will happen BEFORE THANKSGIVING! So contact them TODAY.

  • This is an opportunity for this general assembly to take historic action before it dismisses to address the long standing need for a fair school funding plan. Take care of Ohio's school aged children. Letting this moment slip would be shameful.

  • We like the plan because it is built to address the question "what does it take to educate an Ohio student?" and "what do districts need to operate?". 

  • It has been built over three years with bipartisan support.

  • It represents the input of key stakeholders and reflects best practices.

  • Westerville supports the plan because we are tired of the lack of a transparent and equitable funding model. We are frustrated with the current cap which has shorted us $12 million per year.

  • It also removes charter and private school funding from the public school funding equation. Senator Matt Huffman is actively trying to prevent it from passing.


Ask your State Senator to SUPPORT SB376 with the Fair School Funding Plan.


Ask your State Representative to SUPPORT HB305 with the Fair School Funding Plan.



​The Fair School Funding Plan is the product of a bipartisan effort to fix the broken and inequitable school funding system that currently exists.  Representatives Bob Cupp (R) and John Patterson (D) created a workgroup made up of school superintendents and treasurers around the state to develop a plan that makes sense for Ohio's public schools.  That workgroup has worked for the last three years to produce the Fair School Funding Plan.  This plan has been vetted by school leaders across the state and we fully support its implementation. 


To learn more about the plan, click here.


We need your support to get it over the finish line.

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